Natural rainmaking is possible if we cover the soil with perennial grasses and living roots. We strive to have healthy, abundant, diverse set of perennial grasses, forbs and trees to make rainfall more effective and to improve the small water cycle.
The small water cycle represents about 40% of the total rainfall. This water cycle requires water to infiltrate (porous soil), then to evapo-transpirate thru the leaves of the plants back to the sky, nurturing clouds with aero-bacteria.
Following is a picture of two ranches (courtesy of Rancho Parritas, Chihuahua, Mexico). The land on the left of the fence is under regenerative ranching practices; the land on the right is under conventional ranching practices.
We have experienced an increase of 10-20% more rain per year compared to the average rainfall in the region we live within the Chihuahuan desert.

Rancho Parritas, Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico