Pictured above are Rodrigo Carrillo (Alejandro’s grandfather), Alejandro, and Raul Carrillo (Alejandro’s father).
Alejandro Carrillo is the 4th generation rancher on his family in northern Mexico. It was perhaps the western movies he loved to watch, but Alejandro’s passion with the Chihuahuan desert started even before he was able to walk. His father took him to hunting adventures during the winter months since he was 2 years old looking for a mule deer. Alejandro also enjoyed spending his summers in desert cattle ranches doing roundups, and riding the range.
It was this early exposure that made Alejandro aware of the challenges and frustrations of cattle ranchers working in the desert grasslands. The number of livestock that ranchers could carry was in decline while the inputs required to maintain livestock were increasing every year, affecting also wildlife and livelihood.
Pictured to the left, is Eliseo Carrillo Dominguez, Alejandro’s Great Grandfather, the first generation of the Carrillo family to start the journey of cattle ranching in the desert.
Pictured to the left, is Rodrigo Carrillo, Alejandro’s Grandfather, the second line of the Carrillo family to continue the legacy of cattle ranching.
Pictured above, is Alejandro as a young child. He enjoyed riding horses early in life. Here he was 7 years old wearing a black hat on a black horse.
Pictured above, is Alejandro with his father hunting mule deer.
After working for several years in the software industry in the financial sector in various countries, Alejandro went back to the ranch back in 2004 to help his father with the cattle operation. He wanted to do things different as the conventional way was not working anymore. He was very fortunate to find some of the best practitioners of Holistic Management not far from his ranch, who became his mentors on his regenerative journey. He took his first Holistic Management training back in 2006 from three of his future mentors: Jesus Almeida, Elco Blanco and Octavio Bermudez.
Alejandro and his group of forward thinker ranchers went on to keep educating themselves, traveling to many countries and continents to learn from the best grazers on regenerative practices.
Nowadays after many trials, Alejandro’s ranch is one of the best references worldwide of what Nature has to offer on an arid, brittle, low precipitation environment if the work done is in sync with Nature: water is infiltrated, rainfall is increasing, plant diversity is growing, wildlife is thriving, soil temperature is warmer in winter and cooler in summer, biomass is growing in plants and insects, livestock numbers are increasing, inputs are lower, and the bottom line of the ranch is improving. Alejandro has built a resilient, profitable operation.
Alejandro has a HSD from the New Mexico Military Institute, a BS in Computer Science from Monterrey Tech, and an MS in Technical Management from the Johns Hopkins University.
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